Wednesday, 13 March 2024

PROUD Principle - Achieving Customer Service Excellence

Proud is one of the most powerful and emotive words in the English language.

What if this powerful word could provide a simple, comprehensive framework to achieve excellent customer service, as well as embody the full essence of the word?

The PROUD Principle® provides this and more.

It builds into a set of key principles in achieving excellent customer service.  Through its simplicity and ease of use it can create a unified customer-focused culture within an organisation.  It can be applied to any customer situation in any sector, discipline, or profession; it also crosses over easily from business to personal use, making it a fully flexible and adaptive model.

Once you understand the PROUD model and its principles you will appreciate its power to achieve a consistent, excellent customer service experience from start to finish.


"The practical steps and words of advice will be valuable to many." - Very Good

"I would recommend anyone with a job to pick up a copy and give it a read. If you don't have a work philosophy, this book will help you begin thinking about one." - Literary R&R

'Probably the only customer service acronym you will ever need.'

'PROUD is to customer service, as SMART is to goal setting, and GROW is to coaching.'

Get the book or download the Kindle version at Amazon:

PROUD - Achieving Customer Service Excellence

                                                                John Smart - Author

Alternatively, why not contact John and enquire about his:

'PROUD Principle®- Achieving Customer Excellence' workshop

Note: John is the Director of PMR Training and Development Ltd. ( ) A leadership, management and soft-skills development training and consultancy.

PROUD Principle® is a Registered Trade Mark, registered to John Smart, 2016

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